Opening Hours

Bottisham Medical Practice

Day Opening hours
Wednesday 12 March
8:30am to 6pm
Thursday 13 March
8:30am to 6pm
Friday 14 March
8:30am to 6pm
Saturday 15 March
Sunday 16 March
Monday 17 March
8:30am to 6pm
Tuesday 18 March
8:30am to 6pm

Dispensary Opening Times

The Dispensary is open Monday to Friday from 08:30am. Closed between 12:00 - 14:00. Reopens 14:00 - 18:00 

Evening and Weekend Appointments Now Available

We are now offering evening and weekend appointments with a GP or nurse as part of Extended GP Opening hours. These are for routine, non-urgent issues.

You can book your appointment through our receptionist who will give you a time, date and venue for your appointment. 

Our receptionist will also at be able to answer any questions you have about the service and how to cancel or change your booking.

If you would like to find out more please go to

Minor Illness and Injuries Units

There are a number of Minor Illness and Injuries Units (MIIU) across the county that can treat a range of minor illnesses and injuries such as sprains and strains, broken bones, minor burns and scalds, minor head and eye injuries, bites and stings. No appointment is needed.

For more details and opening hours see:-

Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Minor Injuries Units

Minor Injuries Units

Out-Of-Hours Dental Service

If you are unable to access your own dentist in an emergency, please call 111.

Dental Access Centres (for patients not registered with a dentist)

  • Huntingdon: 0300 555 6667 option 1
  • Cambridge: 0300 555 6667 option 1
  • Peterborough: 0300 555 6667 option

a group of people sitting in chairs

NHS 111

111 online is a fast and convenient alternative to the 111 phone service and provides an option for people who want to access 111 digitally. 

Your needs will be assessed and you will be given advice about whether you need:

  • Treat yourself at home
  • Go to a Primary Care Centre

If you need face to face medical attention you may be asked to attend a Primary Care Centre.

Click here to access NHS 111 online or call 111 to speak to a staff member.

Mental Health – 111 option 2

There is a new First Response Service (FRS) in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough which gives those in mental health crisis the opportunity to get access to help quickly, by calling NHS 111 and selecting option 2*.

The new service allows patients or carers to speak to specially-trained mental health staff who can provide advice, support, and signposting to other services. The service is available 24/7, 365 days a year. Calls to NHS 111 are free from a landline or mobile phone.

*Patients registered with practices in Wisbech can access the service via dialling 111. The call handler will then transfer them direct to the FRS service.