Repeat Prescriptions
We are a fully computerised surgery and for your safety all routine prescriptions are produced by our computer. If you need a repeat medication of something that you receive regularly, then you do not necessarily need to see a doctor. There are 2 ways in which you can request repeat medication:
- Use the Online Access System - you can use the internet to log in and request prescriptions (in fact, you can book or cancel appointments too!) You will need to register for this service - see reception for further information. You will need to provide photographic ID and proof of address.
- Post - Using the tear off slip on the right hand side from your last prescription; please ensure you tick the required items. Forms that do not have any ticks or circles against items may be returned to you for clarification. Please post this to us, or hand deliver and post it in the box provided at the front of the surgery. If you are unable to do this, please get a relative, carer or friend to do this for you. (Please note, if you lose this slip, just write your personal details down on a piece of paper, along with what medications you require).
Please always allow 5 full working days for your medications to be prepared before you come to collect them.
Your medication will normally be issued on a 28 day basis and we request that all regular items are ordered at the same time, if at all possible. Patients on long-term medication are usually reviewed every 6 to 12 months.
We regret that, for reasons of accuracy and safety, we are unable to accept requests for repeat prescriptions by telephone.

Please allow 5 full working days for your prescription to be ready for collection. However it is important to keep in mind that if you are requesting medication that is not normally part of your repeat medication or if you are overdue for a medication review that your prescription may take 7 working days to be ready for collection.
Bottisham Medical Practice Medication Delivery Service
If we dispense medication to you, you automatically qualify for this free service provided by our own staff and drivers.
If you would like to take advantage of this service, please complete and sign the application form below and return it to the surgery.
If you are unable to come into the practice, for example if you are housebound or shielding, we can arrange for our Social Prescriber to help complete the form on your behalf.
Medication Delivery Application
Over the weekend and Monday before 12 noon
Your medication will be ready:
- after 2pm the following Monday
- Tuesday before 12 noon - will be ready after 2pm the following Tuesday
- Wednesday before 12 noon - will be ready after 2pm the following Wednesday
- Thursday before 12 noon - will be after 2pm the following Thursday
- Friday before 12 noon - will be ready after 2pm the following Friday
Prescriptions requested BEFORE 5pm
Your medication will be ready:
- Monday - will be ready after 5pm the following Monday
- Tuesday - will be ready after 5pm the following Tuesday
- Wednesday - will be ready after 5pm the following Wednesday
- Thursday - will be ready after 5pm the following Thursday
- Friday - will be ready after 5pm the following Friday
Prescriptions requested AFTER 5pm
Your medication will be ready:
- Monday - will be ready after 5pm the following Monday
- Tuesday - will be ready after 5pm the following Tuesday
- Wednesday - will be ready after 5pm the follwoing Wednesday
- Thursday - will be ready after 5pm the following Thursday
- Friday - will be ready after 5pm the following Friday
Please note: Any prescriptions put in on Saturday or Sunday will not be available for collection until 2pm, a week Monday.
Our dispensary team is here to help you, please talk to us if you need help.
We are delighted as a practice to be able to dispense to patients in the following villages:
Bottisham, Lode, Longmeadow, Swaffham Prior, Swaffham Bulbeck, Little Wibraham, Great Wilbraham, Stow-cum-Quy, Six Mile Bottom and existing Reach and Teversham patient's.
The benefits to dispensing patients are:
- We provide access to medicines and general healthcare under one roof.
- There is no need to take your prescription to a Pharmacy. If a clinician issues a prescription during a consultation, the patient is able to have the prescription filled within a few minutes from our dispensary, rather than having to walk or drive to a Pharmacy.
- There is less room for error and confusion regarding repeat prescriptions if medications are dispensed on site.
- There is immediate access to the prescribing clinician if required.
- GP dispensaries have a unique opportunity to support patients in their medicine-taking, ensuring benefit from medicines is maximised and waste is minimised.
Dispensary Opening Hours
The dispensary will be open from 8.30am to 12pm then 2pm to 6pm.
Will the dispensary have what I need?
The Dispensary has a broad range of stock and commonly prescribed items. If we do not have an item in stock, we are able to obtain it within 24 hours (like any chemist or pharmacy) as we have twice daily deliveries from our suppliers.
Standards in Dispensing Practice
Service standards are set very high for dispensing doctors. Dispensary standards for doctors in England and Wales are set out in the Dispensary Services Quality Scheme (DSQS) which was agreed by the NHS, the General Practitioners' Committee and the Dispensing Doctors' Association, and introduced in 2006/07. The DSQS is a quality framework, which has patient safety at its centre and it has been widely adopted by dispensing practices.
How Can You Help Us?
The dispensary is increasingly busy with an ever-growing number of repeat prescription requests. During busy periods we sometimes struggle to keep up with demand but are determined to maintain our level of service to you. However, there are a number of ways in which you can help us:
Please, order all regular medication together, just once a month.
For the first month you will notice that we have issued all your REGULAR MEDICATION together even if you haven’t quite run out of all of them.
We realise that some medications come in quantities of more than 28 days. In this case please continue to order monthly with your other medication until such time as you have a full month in hand when you can just omit it from that month’s regular order.
We are happy to receive any part opened packs to us for disposal
Please advise us if you no longer require any particular item on your prescription
By introducing this new system we hope that this will help to:
- Reduce the number of visits you need to make to the surgery
- Allow us to maintain a prompt and efficient service
- Help with the car parking situation
NB: Don’t forget that you can submit your request via online services or via this link: CONTACT US
Medication Reviews
We review your medication on a regular basis. Sometimes you will be asked to see/speak with a doctor our our clinical pharmacist for a formal medication review. This is to ensure that you are still taking the appropriate medicines for your needs. It is also an opportunity to review your medical condition(s). The date of your review will be listed at the bottom of your repeat medication request slip.
Please be aware that dispensary staff may not be able to dispense any medication until you have had such a review. This is for your own safety.
Prescription Fees
Help with NHS costs
In England, around 90% of prescription items are dispensed free. This includes exemptions from charging for those on low incomes, such as:
- those on specific benefits or through the NHS Low Income Scheme
- those who are age exempt
- those with certain medical conditions
- More information is available at NHS Choices
NHS Prescription Charges
From 1 May 2024 the NHS Prescription Charge increases to £9.90 per item.
If you regularly pay for NHS prescriptions you can save money by paying for them in advance with Prescription Prepayment Certificates.
These can be purchased from the NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) website, the PPC Telelphone Order Line on 0300 330 1341 or from selected pharmacies,
Prescribing Over the Counter Medicines
Prescribing of medication available to purchase over the counter in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Clinical Commissioning Group does not support the prescribing of medication that is available to buy from local pharmacies or supermarkets for children or adults with common illnesses and minor ailments that they could treat themselves at home.
The medications listed below are examples of medicines that should be purchased by the patient/ parent/guardian. This list is not exhaustive:
- Moisturising creams, gels, ointments and balms for dry skin with no diagnosis
- Hay fever remedies eg. antihistamines, nasal sprays (patients over 18yrs)
- Bath oils and shower gel (unless recommended by a specialist for infected atopic eczema)
- Vitamins and supplements eg. low dose vitamin D (less than 2,000units), I-Caps, ultivitamins
- Anti-inflammatory gels eg ibuprofen gel Rehydration sachets
- Anti-diarrhoeal medication for short term diarrhoea (less than 72hrs)
- Lubricating eye drops and chloramphenicol eye drops and eye ointment (patients over 2yrs)
- Paracetamol and ibuprofen for short term use Laxatives for short term use (less than 72 hours)
- Nasal douches eg Sterimar Antifungal preparations eg Canesten
- Head lice treatments Threadworm tablets
- Haemorrhoidal preparations eg Anusol Antiperspirants
- Cough and cold remedies Medicated shampoos eg Alphosyl, Capasal
- Mouthwash eg Corsodyl Indigestion remedies eg Gaviscon, Peptac
The reasons for this are as follows:
- Patients are responsible for looking after themselves and their children where possible and for treating self-limiting minor ailments with support from their local pharmacy if needed.
- Patients should keep a small supply of simple treatments in their own medicine cabinet so they are able to manage minor ailments at home. These should be kept secured from young children.
- All these medicines are widely available from supermarkets and pharmacies at reasonable cost.
- Many of these treatments are more expensive when prescribed on the NHS compared to when they are purchased in pharmacies or supermarkets. For example, paracetamol is approximately four times as expensive on prescription.
- The NHS belongs to everybody and the CCG must ensure that its resources are used in the best possible way for all patients.
Patient queries or complaints:
Any patient queries or complaints should be directed to the Patient Experience Team on 0800 279 2535 or