Social Support
Whats on in the Community
Would you like to meet new people and learn new skills? Why not visit us at Arthurs Shed! Arthurs Shed runs sessions free of charge to the local community on Card Making, Paper Crafts and Astronomy. We are always growing our offering and hope to add more sessions to our calendar over the coming months.
The Shed is a safe space and we are continuing with our covid 19 protection measures until at least 2022. You can read more about these on our webpage.
Head to or book now by calling 01223 675871 or emailing
Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Age UK. Sharing Time
Sharing Time support is in the form of regular contact from a fully trained volunteer whose aim is to share their time, friendship and help. Contact is usually once a week either by a visit to your home or a telephone call.
To find out more, please click on the link: Age UK. Sharing Time

Free Help with Weight Management
Healthy You are pleased to announce new Adult Weight Management services for those with Learning Disabilities and those with living with Mental Health challenges. Please click on the links below for further information and details of how to register your interest.